Rambler's Top100



Born:  May 17, 1967 in Vancouver


 'Cameron Bancroft was born in British Columbia, 1967. He literally fell into acting after falling head-first into Capilano Canyon at the age of 16. During his recovery, he joined the theatre club which an agent noticed and was cast in the popular TV series, "The Beachcombers" for six years. His other television credits include "A Family Divided", "The Other Mother", "Tailhook", "Highlander", "Beverly Hills, 90210", and most recently, astronaut candidate Zeke Beaumont on "The Cape". On the big screen, he can be seen in "Love & Human Remains", "Just One of the Girls", "The Boy Who Could Fly", and "Rock and Roll High". 


Cameron also loves music. Before going into acting, he teamed up with older sister and younger brother to form "The Kitchen Clean-Up Band" an emsemble who serenaded houseguests and neighbors with "unplugged" classics from musical icons such as KISS and The Beach Boys. 

Not only is Cameron talented in both music and acting but he is athletic too. Before the accident, he was a ski instructor and a star centre likely headed for the NHL. At the present, he belongs on the Celebrity Hockey team which actors and off-camera personalities get together to raise money for charity.'

                                                    THE VANCOUVER SUN
                                                    FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1999 


        TV Series:

The Boy Who Could Fly (1986)

Rock 'n' Roll High School Forever (90)

83 Hours 'Til Dawn (TV-90)

Anything ForLove (92)

Love & Human Remains (93)

Moment of Truth: To Walk Again (TV-94)

Moment of Truth: Broken Pledges (TV-94)

For the Love of Nancy (TV-94)

Zoya (TV-95)

She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal (TV-95)

The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie (TV-95)

Dream Man (95)

A Family Divided (TV-95)

The Cape (TV-96)

To Brave Alaska (TV-96)

Sleeping Together (97)

Convictions (TV-97)

Los Angeles Without a Map (1998) (Patterson)

Mystery, Alaska (99)

Code Name: Eternity (1999)

The Cape (1996)

Beverly Hills 20210 (1995-1996)

Extreme (1995)

The Beachcombers (1985-1991) played 

Graham Blake)

General Hospital (1987 played Ray)

Guest Roles:

Charmed (1998) (4 February 1998 "How to 
Make a Quilt Out of Americans" played Cryto)

Highlander: The Series (14 November 1994 
"Obsession" played David Keogh)

Highlander: The Series (27 September 1993 
"The Watchers played Robert)



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